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The Age of Being Disagreeable

We are living in an age where everyone believes they are right.  Have you noticed?  There is a war of ideas, thoughts and words that makes enemies of friends and separates the closest of friends.  Pick any topic and the debate can quickly erode into name-calling and hard feelings.  Unfortunately, this is even true in the church.

Here is the question that I think have been asking myself,  “How can we demonstrate love even in the midst of disagreement?”  Is that even possible?  I believe that it is.  Now, before you call my psychiatrist and book an appointment for me, let me tell you what I mean (I don’t have one, sorry to worry you!).  There are very few issues that are so black and white that I need to draw a line in the sand to dare others to cross it.

It seems to me that we who confess the Name of Jesus Christ, have neglected the role of prayer and the Holy Spirit.  If I am walking with integrity of character while seeking to glorify God in my relationship with Him and in my relationship with others, I am equipped with what I need to love others the way God has loved me.  In the name of openness and honesty, I need to tell you that I have not always thought this way. I was a huge proponent of drawing a line in the sand! And, as a result it cost me at least three ministries that I love very much!  Yes, I am a slow learner!

Our model for this type of attitude is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  He often taught that we are to love our enemies and pray for those who treat us disrespectfully. He was quite the revolutionary to say the least!   I have been in church congregational and missionary meetings where the words of Jesus were not the ideal! In fact, they were down right laid aside and forgotten!  They were painful meetings to be a part of, very painful!

We must remember to practice the ethic of God’s love, His agape love, His selfless love in the midst of those situations. God is working out His plan in both you and the person or situation you are dealing with.  I read recently that we will never be able to say that we are right when we are wrong in the way we express ourselves.  There are very few situations that allow me to treat another person with disrespect and not miss the blessing of God in my own life.

In every situation God is working out His plan. It is His plan that we love one another and seek the greatest good in the lives of others.  I always want to ask myself in whatever situation that I am in, “How can I best express the love of Jesus in this situation?”  Sometimes, that means I need to be quiet and let the Spirit of God do what He does best!  I am learning that every person I meet, every meeting I participate in, God’s plan is of greater importance that my own personal agenda!

It is my prayer that you and I learn to express ourselves in such a way that people are left with the aroma of the gospel of Christ, an aroma that is sweet, encouraging and filled with His love!

 If you have any comments please write us at

You Are Loved

The Cross of Christ
It is by far the greatest news EVER!  Imagine, if you will, being trapped for years and years and unable to find anyway to escape. There is nothing you can do to get out. Think of prisoners of war who were held captive for years behind bars unable to be released until they were liberated by soldiers from their side.

What if, that P.O.W, would say, “No, thanks for all that you have done in making the effort to rescue me but I will prefer to stay here.”  What?  That would be insane!  That would not make any sense!

However, that is what people do everyday when they reject the freedom that Christ came to give us.  They much prefer to stay where they are.  They say things like, “That is okay, if that is what you believe.”  Or, “That is your religion, mine is different.”  Even more absurd, “I am happy with my life, I really don’t need help.”

I have been studying recently the Gospels reading over the events of Christ’s crucifixion and his resurrection.  He has gripped my heart again with his undeserved, immense love.  The Apostle Paul says it so well in Romans, “While we were yet sinners,  Christ died for us.”  Are you kidding me?  Does that not just move your heart! While I lived my life ignorant of his love for me, he thought of me.  He did for me what I could never do for myself.

There are those who deliberately deny God’s existence as fantasy and Christ’s death as being anything more than just a martyr.  There are those who try to achieve all they can get out of life while they ignore what Christ’s death on the cross came to achieve.  There are those who will just plain live, shaking their fist at Christ’s death and God’s love for them, they are just plain angry.  They may do this but what they cannot change is this, Christ died for them! That fact they cannot deny.

The greatest news that you and I can ever hear is that a Rescuer has come to liberate us from ourselves and our sin.  He has come to give us purpose for life and a joy that nothing in this world can give!

Even as believers, there are times when we tend to drift on automatic pilot.  We just do what we have always done because well….we have always done it.  We need to be renewed daily in the love of God for us.  We need to be reminded of the cost of our salvation through the atoning sacrifice of Christ on our behalf. You and I are loved more than we could ever imagine!

Is this not the greatest news you have ever heard?  Don’t let it become yesterday’s headlines, today renew you heart in his love. Read it again like you did the first time the accounts in the Gospels of Jesus love for you! Marvel at it, deeply drink it in!

My friend, YOU ARE LOVED!!

Pastor Bill Finch